Here are some pictures to catch you up from his 1st Birthday until now!!

Parker's 1st Birthday- a big celebration for everyone!

Checking out his basket from the Easter Bunny

Memorial Day Weekend at the Lake

Parker's friends Lana and Calvin!

Playgroup- Maria, Jake, Parker, Charlotte and Gray. They are all good pals, but the moms enjoy getting together a lot more than they do at this point :)

Cool Parker in the car
Our family in Mexico Beach, FL this June....a WONDERFUL vacation!
Enjoying a little fun in the sand!
More fun in the sun!
Parker LOVES Cooper. Cooper is so great and gentle with him. He pretty much lets Parker do whatever he wants to him. They are so funny together!

4th of July at the Lake- headed to watch the fireworks!
Parker at 16 months- the most recent cute shot of him :)