Sunday, September 14, 2008

Disney On Ice

This weekend Anthony, Parker and I went to see Disney on Ice (thanks to Nick, who got us free tickets from his work...thanks so much Nick!!). When Nick first told us about the tickets I wasn't sure how much Parker would like it. He really does not watch anything Disney yet, and it was going to be 'Cars, Little Mermaid, Lion King and Tinkerbell.' I still thought it would be a fun "free" thing to, I decided to borrow the 1st 3 movies from my dad and let Parker watch them all the week before the Disney on Ice show. He ended up LOVING Cars and the Little Mermaid, which made me feel better about going to the show. Well, I am VERY glad that we went because Parker had a blast. He was so good the entire time, and got very excited about a lot of the characters and songs. The show did not start until 6:30, and we stayed until it was over at 8:30. (Which is past his normal 7:30 bedtime I remind you!) We lucked out and did not have anyone directly in front of us or next to us, which was great b/c it gave Parker more dancing room! He sat on our laps or in his chair during most of the show, but there were a few songs that he just couldn't resist getting up to show off his moves! It was pretty funny!

Parker has already done so many fun things in his short 2 1/2 years of life! We hope he is not getting too spoiled :) That's OK though because we love him and we love being able to do these fun things with him. I guess that is what it is all about! Don't worry though- we won't let him turn into one of "those" kids. He might be slightly spoiled, but we'll keep him well rounded and grounded too!! Here are some pics from our Disney on Ice adventure!

Watching the show wearing his CARS hat!

Dancing to Little Mermaid

Daddy and Parker after the show in front of the Sommet Center

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Labor Day at the Lakehouse

We spent our last "official" weekend of summer at the lakehouse for Labor Day weekend. This year my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bub, and my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Alan came to enjoy the weekend with us! (Sharon is my dad's sister, and Alan is my dad's brother) It was SUCH a great weekend, and I think everyone had a blast. Everyone did a combination of the usual lake activities- such as being lazy...swimming...boating...laying out on the oasis on the porch talking...and of course watching Parker put on a show and be the center of attention! It was a great way to end the summer, and we always look forward to the following summer when we can do it all over again! Oh- my dad already bought Parker a pair of "toddler skis." He is determined to get him up on ski's by next summer....we'll see about that Dad :) That might make mommy just a little bit nervous! The tube- maybe...but ski's...I don't know about that yet!

I am always sad to see the summer end because I LOVE all of the fun things we get to do over the summer. HOWEVER, this year...I am really ready for some cooler weather and I am getting excited about some of the "fall things" we have coming up. Here are some pics from our Labor Day weekend!

Parker Chillin', Relaxin' and Swingin' on the deck

The Fam

Alan, Sharon and Dad

Grammy, Parker and PawPaw

Alan, Lisa, Stacey, Anthony, Dad, Mom, Sharon, Parker and Bub

Monday, September 1, 2008

Backyardigans Live

Last weekend we took Parker to see the Backyardigans Live Show! As you all know, The Backyardigans is his favorite TV show still to this day! When we found out it was coming to TPAC, we knew we had to take him. His friend Lana loves the show too, so Jennifer, Stephen and Lana came down from Elizabethtown, KY to go with us! The Live show was The Tale of the Mighty Knights, which also happens to be one of Parker's favorite it was perfect. They gave all the kids a shield when they walked in and we also bought them both a light up wand. Parker and Lana LOVED the show! It was very cute to see them smiling, dancing and pointing to the stage saying "Pablo, Tyrone, Knights" etc, etc. They were both really into it and barely took their eyes off the stage the entire time. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, you were not allowed to take pictures during the actual show. I tried to snap one during the intermission and some lady that works there came up and told me I would have to delete any that I took in the theatre. Leave it to me to practically get kicked out for trying to take a picture of my kid :) We did get some cute ones after the show, so I thought I would post those!

San Diego

This blog is actually not about Parker believe it or not :) A couple of weeks ago, Anthony and I were able to take a vacation...just the two of San Diego, CA. We were very excited since we were WAY over-do for a trip with just us! Our friends Kevin and Caraleigh were getting married in La Jolla, CA- which was the reason for out trip out there. The wedding was at Caraleigh's parents home in La Jolla, and the entire thing was absolutely beautiful. We were very excited to be able to share their wedding day with them, and we had such a great time. Congrats Kevin and Caraleigh :)

Anthony and I also crammed in as many other touristy and fun activities as we could while we were there. We went to Seaport Village, the Gaslamp District, took a Harbor Cruise, went to a Padre's game, went to the beach, went to the Hotel Del Coronado, walked around downtown A LOT, ate at a ton of good places, and relaxed by the pool at the WONDERFUL Marriott resort we stayed at on Coronado Island. We both fell in love with San Diego and the beautiful weather there! We had SUCH a great trip, and we are so glad we were able to go!

Parker stayed with my parents while we were gone, and Anthony's parents watched him one day also. It was so hard leaving him, but we knew he was in such good hands and every time I called to check on him he was having a blast. I was very excited to see him once we got home and it melted my heart when he gave me a big hug and said "Miss you mommy" when he saw me for the first time.

I am attaching some pictures from the wedding and from the rest of our trip. Enjoy :)