Well, it's official. Parker is 1 1/2 years old! I can not believe we are half way through his 2nd year. If the next 6 months go by as fast as the past 6 have, he is going to be 2 before we know it! I can't believe it!
As many people know, and have told me, he is ALL BOY!!! I use to say that he was such a laid back baby, and so easy going. Now, the boy does not stop. He is like the little energizer bunny and just goes, goes, goes all day long. He is constantly exploring, playing, or getting into something. He can also be Mr. Serious at times too. He is a very curious and observant little boy. You know when he is being this way because he immediately puts his Mr. Serious face on. Anyone that knows Parker well, knows exactly what face I am talking about :) He has also learned SO much since he turned one. His vocabulary seems to increase every day now, and he amazes me at the things he knows and says. He understands pretty much everything we tell him to do, and some of his favorite tasks are throwing things away in the trash and putting his toys in his toy box. Each night before bed we tell him that it is time to put his toys away and go night-night. He gets SO excited to put everything away, and puts his toys in there one by one. When he is done, he is ready for his bath and to go to bed! We are very lucky because he has alway been such a good sleeper. He still takes 2 naps a day on the days he is home with us, and still sleeps 12 hours at night. We can not complain in that department for sure!
Now, I have to be honest here and give this little blog some fair balance. Yes, Parker is still our little Munchkin and he is amazing and fun MOST of the time. BUT- we do have our really hard and challenging moments with him too. For instance- THE CAR. Parker HATES riding in the car. This all started right after he turned one. Everyone told us it was a phase, and it was just because he was so active and did not want to be confined like that. Well, here we are 6 months later, and he STILL hates it. We are really starting to think that this is not a phase! We have tried EVERYTHING we know to make him happy in the car, but we are open for suggestions as well! We are also starting to deal with the full blown temper tantrums and him testing our limits. I thought this didn't start until the terrible two's???? We are doing the best we know how to control these, but it is hard at this age as well.
So, there you have it. There is a summary of Parker at 18 months. Our all boy, mr. serious, talking and learning, great sleeper, terrible car rider, temper tantrum throwing little munckin!!! You gotta love him!!! I know we do!
Here are a few pictures from the past month or so!

Parker decided to go on a late night drive in his PJ's in PawPaw's Miata. Don't worry...we made him wear his seatbelt :)

He LOVES going to Anthony's softball games. He even started saying the word Baseball! His friend Kaleb lets him use his ball and bat, and we have been working on his throwing and hitting skills. After he hits the ball (with assistance from his mom of course) he loves to go chase it! I guess we are going to have to get him a bat of his own!