I guess Parker was a pretty good boy overall this year, because Santa was very good to him. It's a good thing that Santa can overlook all of those terrible two moments :) Parker fought going to sleep for a while on Christmas Eve, which I don't know if it was because he was "excited" or just having one of those nights. Either way, it made for a later bedtime than normal. So, when Christmas morning rolled around we ended up having to wake him up at 8:30. He was NOT very happy with us at all until he realized that Santa had come and he saw all of his presents! He woke up pretty quickly after that, and was excited to go check it all out! One of the best moments was when he opened a present that Santa had put in a cardboard box and wrapped. He took the wrapping paper off, saw the box, and said "A NEW BOX!!!" I realized right then that Santa could have brought him a bunch of empty cardboard boxes, and he would have been a happy little boy! It was great to see how excited he got about some of his presents though, and it makes Santa's day to see him so happy!He has been on toy overload since Christmas, just going from one thing to the next playing. Now the hard part is getting him to understand that Christmas is over, the tree and lights are coming down, and that Santa is back at the North Pole until next year. Try explaining that to a 2 1/2 year old!
I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas, and I hope you have a very Happy New Year!!
Right after we woke him up...can you tell how happy he was with us?
At the top of the steps, and yes there is a smile behind that paci :)
He was actually a little upset that Santa ate his cookies and drank the chocolate milk. He said "Santa ate my cookies. Get my cookies back Santa."
With his Thomas the Train tent, which is what he kept telling Santa that he wanted for Christmas!
He LOVES soccer balls for some reason. Am I going to be a soccer mom?
Opening some of his presents...
Playing with mommy and daddy Christmas night