Well, we can't believe it...but our "baby" turned Two on March 31st! On his actual Birthday we were able to hang out as a family and enjoy the beautiful day outside! Parker LOVES being outside, and he had a great time playing on his new slide from Giggie and Poppy. I posted some pictures above from our backyard adventures that day! We also celebrated by having a Birthday party on March 30th with family and a few of his little friends. I tried not to go as overboard as I did last year, but of course got more carried away than I originally planned...oops! We did an "Elmo theme" since Parker is pretty obsessed with Elmo right now. My sis-in-law, Jessica, made his adorable (and yummy) Elmo cake! I wasn't sure how much Parker was going to understand this year about his Birthday. I kept telling him beforehand about his Birthday and turning 2, and he would look at me like I was crazy. He ended up really enjoying the party though, and I think he liked being the center of attention at times! He opened his first present, and decided he would rather just open that one and play with it and not mess with the rest of them! After convincing him that it would be fun to open the rest, he had a great time tearing into them all. He got some great things, and is officially spoiled rotten :) He really enjoyed everyone singing Happy Birthday, and even helped me blow out the candles at the end! It was such a fun day, and I think Parker enjoyed it as well!
Here is one of the recent things that Parker has learned since turning 2. When you ask him, "Parker, how old are you?" He holds up 3 or 4 fingers and says "TWO." It is the cutest thing ever. I guess he can't quite hold up just 2 fingers, so he just holds up however many he feels like and says he is 2!!
The past two years have gone by SO fast, and I can't imagine what the future years will be like! It has been so amazing to watch him grow and change. It seems like every day now he does or says something new, and he constantly keeps us laughing, smiling, and sometimes yelling...but hey...he's a 2 year old now, what do you expect?!?!?