A couple of updates from here-
- We got Parker a new big boy bed, which he LOVES. He was previously sleeping in his crib, which we had converted into a toddler bed. We decided it was time to get something a little bigger for him, so we got a full size that he can hopefully grow into until he is a teenager! There are a few pictures below of him in his bed, which has a lot more room for all of the things he sleeps with every night!
- I am loosing my job the 1st week in June. My company is getting bought out by another company, and they are laying off my entire part-time sales force. It's OK though, I know this is all happening for a reason, and even though I may not understand the reason right now- I will one day. I am going to take the summer off to be home with Parker and kind of figure out what I want to be when I grow up :) Parker's last week of school is next week, but he is doing a little summer program in July 2 days a week at a church in town. I am also taking this time off as an opportunity to hopefully get to feeling better and get to the bottom of my medical mystery, which still has not been resolved.
- I did find out that I have Hashimoto's disease, which is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system creates antibodies that attack and damage your thyroid gland. It causes inflammation of your thyroid gland, which may make your thyroid unable to produce hormones, leading to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). I have been on Synthroid for almost 3 years b/c of an underactive thyroid, but never knew until now that it was more than likely all being caused by Hashimoto's. However, since my thyroid levels are under control (b/c of the synthroid) my endocrinologist does not think that any of my symptom's are related to the Hashimoto's. So, while I am grateful to know that I have this...it unfortuanetly is not the answer to my medical mystery!
- Anthony has been at his job for over a year now, and is still really going well. I am so glad that he enjoys what he does. He has started playing golf a little bit (since he got new clubs for Christmas), and he is really liking that also. He is also still the #1 husband and #1 dad of the year in my opinion :)
- Last but not least, some GREAT news! My mom recently underwent her one year testing for her thyroid cancer. She had to go through 3 rough weeks before she had the acutal body scan, but the great news is...it came back NORMAL!!! No cancer!!! Yay for my mom! She is now a one year cancer survivor! So, here are a few pictures from today! I hope everyone is doing well, and hopefully more pictures and stories will follow since Parker and I are going to be hanging out a lot this summer :)