I LOVE spring, and get so excited when it gets here. We have had a fun and busy start to spring around here. Parker turned 4 years old on March 31st, which is so hard to believe. I know everyone says how fast time goes by, but it truly truly does! He was pretty excited about his Birthday this year and for about a month he would ask me "Is it my Birthday today?" So, he was pretty happy when it finally got here! We ended up having a week long celebration between his Birthday, my Birthday and Easter, so it was a fun week! It started off with his party at school on Friday, which was a "spiderman" party. On Saturday we had his Birthday party at the Bowling alley with family and a few of his friends. The kids got to bowl on the "mini lanes" which are PERFECT for kids his age. I think everyone had a great time Bowling, eating pizza and cake, and playing games in the arcade! On Wed (his actual Birthday), Grammy and Paw Paw came over to celebrate and give him his big present (Power Wheels Jeep) that we went in on together with my parents. The funny thing is that I had also bought him superman and spiderman pj's because that is what he asked for. My mom found a superman card that played the superman theme song. So, he opened those things first and was SO excited about them. He would have been happy with just that! We then took him outside to see the jeep, he ran to it- started driving it right away and then got out- went back inside and got his superman card and pj's. SO, he spent the rest of the night riding around in his jeep, wearing his superman pj's, holding his superman card. It was great! A few of his new little friends from the neighborhood ended up playing outside with him and coming in to sing Happy Birthday and have cake. It was a GREAT day for him! Then, the weekend rolled along and it was my Birthday on Saturday! Anthony and I got to go on a date on Friday night, which is always nice! On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt in the neighborhood and to lunch just the 3 of us, and then Saturday night we went to dinner with my family! Sunday was Easter and we went to church with my parents and then had lunch and an Easter egg hunt at my parents house! THEN, Sunday night we celebrated my Birthday and Easter at Anthony's parents house! Whew, I am tired just typing all of that. Needless to say, by Sunday night we were exhausted and full from so many fun get togethers and all the good food, and WAY too much cake. But, it was a great great week!
Oh- and in GOOD, GOOD news...We have a contract on our house in Franklin! It was on the market 7 weeks before we got the offer- not too bad at all. We feel so lucky and blessed. We are hoping to close on it by May 14th, and we are so ready to have that part over and done with. We are loving the new house, and love spending time outside playing and Parker loves riding his bike. Just about every afternoon we are outside playing with the neighbors until it is time to come in for dinner. It has been really great for Parker, and for us! We are LOVING it here and have met so many wonderful and nice people!
Here are some pictures from Parker's Birthday, My Birthday and Easter! YAY FOR SPRING!!!