Parker started off the summer by taking swim lessons to get him geared up for all the pool and beach fun this summer. He was NOT a fan at first, because he was scared to be in the water without me and/or his floaties- but he warmed up to it as the weeks progressed. And a week after his swim lessons ended, he was swimming totally on his own without assistance. The rest of the summer he was pretty much a fish and he now LOVES swimming on his own.
As always, we had lots of fun weekends at the lake! The new "toys" there this summer are 2 jet ski's, which Parker loves driving. Yes, he drives them...with someone riding on the back with him of course. He loves it, and even gets it up to 60mph at times- which makes this mamma nervous!He does a great job though. We had lots of fun with family and friends this summer up there- it is such a great place for a fun weekend getaway! Anthony's family was able to come up one of the weekends, and all of the cousins had such a great time together. Pretty sure the adults had a little fun too :)
We also had our annual trip to Mexico Beach, FL with about 75 of our closest family members!! It is always a great trip, and this year was no different. Parker loved the beach, ocean and pool that was out our place- so we had lots of fun in the sun! This was the first year that ALL of my mom's side of the family were there- there is usually at least one person each year who can't make it for whatever reason. So, I surprised Mere and Grandaddy by hiring a professional photographer to take all of our pictures on the beach. It was so awesome, and they are pictures that we will all always treasure. It was an awesome vacation!
Parker also played t-ball this summer, which was SUPER cute! He was on the team with one of his best little buddies- our neighbor, Carter. Half the time they spent more time goofing off in the field than paying attention- but that is what made it so cute. He really enjoyed it though, and I'm so glad we did it.
The end of the summer was a hard time for my family. My grandaddy had back surgery in August, and ended up getting really sick afterwards. He was in the hospital for a week, and then in the rehab at a nursing home for a couple of weeks after that. He is back home now, and doing SO much better! He is making huge improvements every day, and we are so happy to see how far he has come. It was a scary time for my entire family, but things are really looking up now. My aunt Laurie also had surgery-which went really well, so we are very thankful for that!
I enjoyed being home with Parker this summer and was happy that we could stay busy and find lots of fun things to do with friends. So, now we are winding down summer and getting ready for FALL- my most favorite time of year!! Hopefully there will be more posts to come once all the fall fun begins...I will try to do better. Really, I will :)
Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the pics :)