Just a quick update to let you all know what has been going on at the Collins house. Parker is getting adjusted to his new daycare, and so far it has been a MUCH better experience than the last. Morning drop-offs are still pretty hard on him, but he calms down really fast and is happy the rest of the day. They are so much better at communicating there, and it makes all the difference in the world. The past couple days he has started "talking" to his teachers, which makes me feel good. Parker will not have his little version of full blown conversations with just anyone, so that makes me think that he is getting more comfortable with them. I'm sure it will just continue to get better and better!
We are also 90% sure he is getting his 2 year molars, which has really not been fun. He was not a good teether with all of his first teeth, and this has been even worse. He is drooling again like he did when he is a baby. If he would keep a bib on now, I would have one on him 24/7. He is having a hard time eating, and can be very cranky. One minute he will be fine, and the next he is throwing a big fit. He will put his fingers in his mouth sometimes and say "ouch, ouch." Poor little guy! I am just ready for them to pop through!
His newest sentence is "I don't know." He will hold up his hands (like you would if you were acting all innocent), and says "I not know." You can ask him a question like, "Parker- Did you just do that?" Or- "Parker- Did you dump all of these toys out?" And the response is, "I not know." It is actually really cute, and funny how he uses it in the right context.
I can not believe that Parker will be 2 in a little over a month. I am still in denial I think. The past 2 years have just FLOWN by, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us all! So, I guess that is about it for now. 0h- and Anthony and I are both doing fine. Not that you read this to find out about us or anything:) But, we are doing great as well!
Friday, February 22, 2008
The Big 3-0!!

So, Anthony turned the big 3-0 this month! For a little while longer, I get to rub it in that I am 28 and he is 30. He loves when I say that :) For his big day, I had a whole day planned out full of surprises. He got to sleep in that day, which is a treat all in itself. When he woke up, Parker and I had decorated downstairs with a bunch of 30th Birthday decor. He opened up his presents from Parker, and then we headed to The Jump Zone in Franklin. The Jump Zone is this indoor inflatable bounce type place, that has "open play" several days a week. We had never been there with Parker, and I was a little hesitant that he was still going to be a little too young. Well, as you can see from the pictures below...he LOVED it. We all had an absolute blast, and ended up staying for a couple of hours. We will go back for sure, and would recommend it to anyone with kids Parker's age or older. That afternoon, we took Parker out to my parents house so they could watch him for the night. Anthony and I had dinner at The Palm, which was amazing. We met up with some friends after that for a rare night out on the town (We never do that anymore). All in all, it was a wonderful day and Anthony was VERY surprised with everything. I just wanted to share a few pictures from the day with you all!
Getting warmed up!
Daddy had as much fun as Parker did...maybe more!
Getting ready to get dropped down the slide!
The rest of the pictures pretty much speak for themselves!
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