We finished up the fall with many of our favorite activities, such as Gentry's Farm, Halloween, and Thanksgiving! Parker was a race car driver this year, and had a great time trick-or-treating with his cousins. We had an Anniversary party for my grandparents who celebrated 60 years of marriage! They are an amazing couple and the foundation for my family. We even had them renew their vows, in a funny way, which was SO cute! My little nephew Carson was also born this fall, and he is precious!
Parker also played soccer this fall for the first time, which was pretty adorable seeing all those 3 year olds in their WAY too big and baggy soccer uniforms running around. We had a great time at all of the games and practices. Some parents could not get their kids off the side lines and on to the field...well, we could not get Parker off the field. He never wanted to take a break and sit out, he was always the first one to raise his hand and say he wanted to play. Once he got out there he did a lot more running back and forth than he did kicking the ball :) He had a blast though, and that's all that matters!
Then of course came Christmas- the most wonderful time of the year!! Parker was TOTALLY into everything this year, and as a matter of fact- it is February and he is still singing Christmas songs. We always do a lot of fun things around the Christmas holidays, so it is busy- but fun. Santa must have thought Parker was a pretty good boy overall, because he sure was good to him once again! (Not to mention all of the family who were great to him as well!) It was a pretty sad day for Parker when the tree had to come down and Christmas was over- but he tells me quite often "Don't worry mommy, Christmas will come back next year." Don't think it can get here soon enough for him!
Now, on to the most exciting thing that has been going on lately. As some of you know, early in 2009 we were looking for a new house and we were about to put our house on the market when I started having some health problems- so we put everything on hold for a while. So, in December we decided to start our search again and put our house on the market after the first of the year. Little did we know that we were about to find the house of our dreams and start the whirl wind adventure of buying our next home! We found a great house in Spring Hill on foreclosure, and it was too good of a deal to pass up. We decided to act fast, and just see what happened. Long story short, they accepted our offer on December 21st, and we moved on January 16th. It happened VERY fast and was a crazy, crazy month- especially with some of the "stuff" that goes along with it being a foreclosure- but it was SO worth it in the end! We could not have done everything so fast (packing, moving, etc) without the help of our wonderful family...especially my parents who were there to help on SO many occasions, and always there to help us with Parker when needed. We are so happy that we now live so close to my parents, Anthony's parents, my grandparents, my Aunt Laurie, and Anthony's sister Cristina- and her family. It is amazing! We are pretty much unpacked and feeling settled now, and love it more and more each day we are here. Parker LOVES it here, and did not miss a beat once we got here. As soon as he saw his toys and all of his stuff, he was perfectly fine with everything. He has really adjusted better than we ever expected. It is just amazing how it all worked out, and we honestly could not be happier about starting this new chapter of our lives here. Our house in Franklin has been on the market for 3 weeks, and now we are just hoping and praying that it sells in a timely manner :) I know we did not do this the "normal" way, and this is never how we dreamed it would happen. I know that there are some people that might think we are crazy doing something like this right now. But, that's OK- because we know that we made a great decision for our family- and it is all going to work out in the end! This is the house we want to grow in as a family (yes, we plan on growing...in case you were wondering), and the house we want our children to always be able to call home. We hope to live here until we are old and grey (wait...I already have grey). But, you get the point.
We have had a few snow days this winter, which has been a lot of fun! Parker had a blast playing, making snow angels, snowmen and sledding.(Although, I am over it now and ready for some warm weather!) Spring is going to be here before you know it, which means that Parker is going to be 4 YEARS OLD before you know it too! Ahhh!!! I can't believe it. 3 has been a challenging year, to put it nicely! Whoever said it was the terrible 2's, apparently has not met Parker in the 3's :) Don't get me wrong, he is so funny and we have lots of good times too. But- he definitely has a little attitude at times, and I could live without the back talk. I think he is just getting a little too smart for his own good, because he knows exactly how to push my buttons and trys to reason with me on everything. I think I am in trouble. So, I am hoping that he wakes up on his 4th Birthday and turns back into this perfect little angel that he once was. Hey- a girl can dream, right?!?!? Oh well, I wouldn't trade him for the world. He can make me so mad one minute, and then the next minute he has me on the floor laughing or smiling from ear to ear. I love the little guy!
Oh- and Anthony will probably hate me for telling the whole world this, but I have to brag on him for one minute. He had his yearly sales meeting in January and found out that he was the top sales manager for 2009 for the ENTIRE sales force! He had an amazing year, and we are both very blessed that he has a job that he is happy with and doing well in. I am so proud of him and thankful each and every day for everything he does for our family.
Enjoy the pics from the past several months, and I promise- I will try to be better about keeping this thing updated!








Love the update! Hope to talk soon!
I miss you Stacey!!!
LOVE the recap on The Collins Family! Wonderful pictures of all of you and your new house! You will have to do a series of posts giving us a tour of the new place : ) ! I am so happy for you three!
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