Friday, August 31, 2007

Parker's true love...other than mommy and daddy of course!

I can not believe Parker is 17 months old today. I truly do not know where the past 17 months have gone. So much has changed over the past 17 months, but one thing has remained the same since he was about 4 months old. Parker's love for The Backyardigans. Thanks to a great suggestion from Deon, we started tuning in and recording episodes on our DVR. Even back then he was hooked! He would just sit in his swing and stare at the TV throughout the whole episode. We tried not to put him in front of it all day or anything, but it sure was nice when we needed to get something done or if he was fussy. We could ALWAYS count on Pablo and his friends to save the day. Parker's love for this show has not gone away, it has just gotten stronger. He now gets so excited about the show that he lets us know when he wants to watch it. The TV will be off, and he will point to the remote, then point to the TV, and then go grab Pablo and show it to us. He sometimes even says "Pablo." Even though it sounds a lot more like "Pa-bo," but we get his point. When the music starts up he squeals, gets so excited and immediately starts dancing. He likes to spin around in circles like they do in the beginning. Every time there is music, he has to dance. The rest of the episode, he will just stare at the TV in amazment, and smile or laugh at parts that I guess he thinks are funny. There are certain episodes he seems to like better (and ones that are mommy and daddy's favorites too), so we really wear those out and watch them a lot. Some may say that letting your children watch TV is a bad thing, but I personally believe that letting them watch the right programs, for the right amount of time, is a great thing...for the kid and the parents! We are all fans of The Backyardigans at the Collins house, and they have saved the day on more than one occasion, and I'm sure they will do it again! I think his love for Pablo is adorable and very entertainig, so I just thought I would share it with you!!

Here he is back in the day when he could still fit in his swing! This is the Surf''s Up episode, which is a favorite for all of us!!!

Dancing with his pacifier

Dancing with Pablo

When there is no singing going on and he can't dance, he gets as close to the TV as humanly possible!


Anonymous said...

Jackson just LOVES the Backyardigans too! I am betting that our baby will love it too! =)

Anonymous said...

Jackson and Parker sound a lot alike when it comes to the Backyardigans. Jackson spins in circles too and loves to watch right up next to the screen. We all love the Backyardigans. They are a definite mood changer for Jackson.