This weekend Anthony, Parker and I went to see Disney on Ice (thanks to Nick, who got us free tickets from his work...thanks so much Nick!!). When Nick first told us about the tickets I wasn't sure how much Parker would like it. He really does not watch anything Disney yet, and it was going to be 'Cars, Little Mermaid, Lion King and Tinkerbell.' I still thought it would be a fun "free" thing to, I decided to borrow the 1st 3 movies from my dad and let Parker watch them all the week before the Disney on Ice show. He ended up LOVING Cars and the Little Mermaid, which made me feel better about going to the show. Well, I am VERY glad that we went because Parker had a blast. He was so good the entire time, and got very excited about a lot of the characters and songs. The show did not start until 6:30, and we stayed until it was over at 8:30. (Which is past his normal 7:30 bedtime I remind you!) We lucked out and did not have anyone directly in front of us or next to us, which was great b/c it gave Parker more dancing room! He sat on our laps or in his chair during most of the show, but there were a few songs that he just couldn't resist getting up to show off his moves! It was pretty funny!
Parker has already done so many fun things in his short 2 1/2 years of life! We hope he is not getting too spoiled :) That's OK though because we love him and we love being able to do these fun things with him. I guess that is what it is all about! Don't worry though- we won't let him turn into one of "those" kids. He might be slightly spoiled, but we'll keep him well rounded and grounded too!! Here are some pics from our Disney on Ice adventure!
Watching the show wearing his CARS hat!

Dancing to Little Mermaid
Daddy and Parker after the show in front of the Sommet Center